Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thankful Thursdays [1]

This week I am thankful for....

1) A free crib for the new baby!  The Lord definitely provides and it was an awesome reminder that He has it under control!

2) A more balanced schedule.  I feel like I am getting to spend more quality, happy time with Grace.  I love that she is old enough now to run around the house a bit while I'm in the kitchen or dining room (so I can see her) and she feels like she has freedom.  I also loved our impromptu conversation and play time on the kitchen floor while dinner was in the oven the other day!

3) E-Mealz.  It has made me be purposeful about healthy meals and family time.  Totally worth $1.25 a week!

4) Creating our new family website (still pretty basic) to share that we are missionaries in Dayton and are raising support (

5) Ordering business cards!  Same purpose as above but I designed them and they're awesome!

6) The knowledge that tomorrow is Friday!  Even though I have to drive two hours Friday night I'm stoked about hanging out with my kid on Saturday and HOPEFULLY FINALLY making it to a playground!

7) Talking with husband about getting rid of our patio furniture.  It is pretty old and torn up...and if it isn't there, more room for Grace to play on the deck where I can see her this summer!

8) The PAUL study by Beth Moore - I never really liked the guy, hoping this study will help.

9) Cosmic Bingo - way more fun than regular bingo and it helps that I am almost done with the planning already!

10) Sleeping in.  My amazing husband gets up with my daughter every day except Saturday and Sunday (he works late those nights) and it is amazing.  I don't get up till 9 most days of the week and it REALLY helps me to not go crazy by the end of the day!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My patience needs spring.

At the end of winter my nerves tend to be shot, my patience lacking and my hair grayer.  (Ok, maybe not the hair).  I feel like winter is always a time of testing - can I handle being indoors most of the time?  Can I handle close quarters, even with people I love?  Can my patience handle a couped up 17 month old who just wants to play?  So far we've done ok and I've tweaked the system here and there but I am so ready for spring.  I'm ready to throw open the windows and let the sun and fresh air in!  I'm ready for my deck to be swept, our water/sand table set up and toys all around so my kid can run and play! 

I think my heart is more receptive to life in the spring.  It feels new and renews my focus and my strength.  I think winter is almost always a time of testing and spring always seems like a reward. 

Ah spring, I miss you.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Blog, New Day

I attempted blogging before but quickly found myself overwhelmed with both the thought that people might read my words and the thought that people might actually expect me to update frequently.  Having deleted that blog and relieving the pressure, I'm once again tempted to join the blogging world to share my journeys. 

I am a wife (4 years) a mom (17 months) and soon to have another little one.  I find that my day to day life excites me as I try to figure out who I am and how I fit into this craziness that seems to have claimed me as it's keeper.  I adore my husband and beautiful baby girl.  Sometimes I wonder how to balance it all though and that is probably my biggest struggle.  Deep down, I wish I could focus all my attention on my family and home.  I have a full time job (working from home thank the Lord) that I enjoy - but the balancing act takes its toll as any mom with split focus would tell you.

I also have a fear of being found out.  Being found out that I'm not the best wife in the world, that I'm not the best cook (OK, everyone already knows that), that I'm not a good house keeper, I have no idea what I'm doing as a mom (although she is turning out pretty darn well if I do say so myself) and that I tend to overuse parenthesis.  I also dread the blinking red light on my blackberry letting me know I have an email - I shouldn't fear my inbox right?

One of these days...maybe when I'm 40, I'll get it all together and know what life is really about.  But until then, welcome to my life with Grace (my daughter) and all the other blessings God has given me!